Colerain Presbyterian Church

Colerain Presbyterian Church
Come celebrate the Story with us!

Sunday, May 15, 2016


On the day the disciples of Jesus received the Holy Spirit the church was born. Those followers brought the very presence of God into the world through the Spirit who dwelt in them. We are amazed at today's technology and the revolution the computer and internet age has brought about over the last twenty years. But nothing compares to God's spiritual technology. In a sense God placed his operation system within the heart of every believer through the indwelling of the Spirt! Check out today's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:

Praise Song -- Your Presence, Lord

Graduation Recognition presented by Wanita Zambori

Children's Sermon -- Don't Let the Fire Go Out by Pastor Joe Ellis

Old Testament Reading -- Joel 2:28-32 by Debbie Carpenter

Sermon -- Catching Fire by Pastor Joe Ellis
New Testament Reading -- Acts 2:1-13

Sunday, May 8, 2016


Christianity has gone through some dark periods throughout history. With most of America's families no longer interested in building on the foundation of Christ, many people are wondering if we are moving into a dark period now. America's commitment to God earlier in our history provided such a strong foundation for this country that we endured three of the most cataclysmic events in history--WW I, the Great Depression, and WW II. If these kinds of figurative earthquakes would hit us now, would we endure or would our secular foundation crumble? Check out today's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:

Announcements and Praise Song -- The Solid Rock

Choir's Anthem -- M-O-T-H-E-R

Children's Song -- Jesus Loves Me

Old Testament Reading -- Psalm 97 -- Bill Nagel

Sermon -- Earthquakes and Foundations -- Pastor Joe Ellis
New Testament Reading -- Acts 16:22-34

Sunday, May 1, 2016


Feeling lonely, fearful, out of balance, in a fog, stressed out? You could use a good dose of the blessings of the Spirit. Check out today's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:

Welcome, Announcements, and Praise Song -- How Great Is Our God

Anthem -- Blessed Quietness -- and Children's Sermon -- With God I Am Never Alone

\ Old Testament Reading -- Psalm 67 by Debbie Carpenter

Sermon -- The Blessings of the Spirit -- Pastor Joe Ellis
New Testament Reading -- John 14:23-29