Worship Service: 10:45 a.m.
Our Mission: To provide a meaningful spiritual and physical ministry to our fellowship of believers and the Colerain community by telling the Story (proclaiming God's grace and love); doing the Story (service, caring, and healing); being the Story (living and promoting fellowship), and celebrating the Story (worshiping and partaking of the sacraments.
How important is it for Christians to protect the vulnerable in our midst? How important is it for believers to keep children safe, to keep youth from being corrupted by the negative influences around us, to keep adults who are struggling against the dark tide of this world from going under? According to the scriptures it is incredibly important. Check out today's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:
Welcome and Praise Song -- 10,000 Reasons led by Josh Taylor
Our Choirs's Anthem -- In Christ Along
Children's Sermon -- Be Safe by Pastor Joe Ellis
Old Testament Reading -- Esther 7 by Patti Crunelle
Sermon -- Esther the Protector by Pastor Joe Ellis
New Testament Reading -- Mark 9:38-50
Do you remember your best teacher from high school? How about the worst one? In your opinion, who's the best teacher who ever lived? Jesus was a different kind of teacher. He told stories and asked great questions. Check out today's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:
Praise Song -- I Have Decided to Follow Jesus led by Josh Taylor
A Litany for Eductation -- Debbie Carpenter
Children's Sermon - What's in Your Backpack by Debbie Carpetner
Old Testament Reading - Isaiah 50:4-9 by Patti Crunelle
Sermon -- The Road to Discipleship by Pastor Joe Ellis
New Testament Scripture -- Mark 8:27-37
Nations rise, fall, and then fade into history. Rarely does a nation that has been destroyed by its enemies, its capital city leveled to the ground, ever revive and rise again. One amazing exception is the nation of Israel. Check out today's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church.
Praise Song -- All Creatures of Our God and King
Led by Josh and Sarah Taylor
Children's Sermon -- The Candy Jar
As told by Pastor Joe Ellis
Old Testament Reading -- Isaiah 35:1-10
by Patti Crunelle
Sermon -- Muscles of Faith Pastor Joe Ellis
New Testament Reading -- Mark 7:24-30