Colerain Presbyterian Church

Colerain Presbyterian Church
Come celebrate the Story with us!

Sunday, March 29, 2015


Check out today's videos from today's Colerain Presbyterian Church worship service:

Our Traditional Palm Sunday "Hosanna" Procession.

Lenten Reading by Debbie Carpenter

Praise Song: All Creatures of Our God and King

Children's Sermon -- Palm Sunday Parade

Old Testament Reading -- Psalm 118 by Bill Nagel

Sermon -- When the Cheers Have Stopped -- Pastor Joe Ellis
New Testament Reading -- Mark 11:1-11

Sunday, March 22, 2015


We don't have to repeat the mistakes of the past. The Lord gives us the power to pull out of the rut were in and find a new path of purpose. But one thing you must tell yourself: "Change starts with me." No one else can make the decisions that will bring positive change into your life. Check out today's videos from the Colerain Presbyterian church.

Lenten Reading by Rebekah Shirley

Praise Song -- You Make Beautiful Things led by Sarah and Josh Taylor

Minute for Mission -- by Linda Stobbs

Baptism of Max and Charlie Taylor

Children's Sermon -- Jesus' Magnetism by Debbie Carpenter

Special Music -- I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry
by Josh and Sarah Taylor with special guest Ben Birdwell.

Old Testament Reading -- Jeremiah 31:27-34 by Bill Nagel

Sermon: Time for Change by Pastor Joe C. Ellis
New Testament Scripture -- John 12:20-33

Sunday, March 15, 2015


Why do most of us have such a fear of snakes? From the Garden of Eden, to the wilderness near Mount Hor where the Israelites were snake-bitten, to Jesus' statement to Nicodemus has he would be raised up like the bronze snake Moses lifted up on the pole, snakes appear again and again in scripture. Check out today's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:

Lenten Reading and Our Choir's Anthem
Rebekah Shirley (reader)

Praise Song -- Angus Dei -- Led by Josh Taylor
Minute for Mission -- Betty Snider

Children's Sermon -- Snake Charmer

Old Testament Reading -- Numbers 21:4-9
Bill Nagel

Sermon -- Snakes Alive
Pastor Joe Ellis
John 3:14-27