After triumphantly entering Jerusalem on the back of a donkey as prophesied by Zechariah, Jesus faced the final days before the cross. After his arrest on trumped up charges, he was brought before Pilate. Knowing Jesus was innocent, Pilate asked an important question: What should I do with Jesus who is called the Christ? All of us must answer that questions. Check out our worship videos from the Palm Sunday worship service.
Palm Sunday Processional
Our Choir's Anthem -- Fairest Lord Jesus
Lenten Reading by Dr. Chuck DeNunzio
Children's Sermon by Dr. Chuck DeNunzio
The Easter Eggs -- Part 6
Old Testament Reading by Patti Crunelle
Psalm 118
Sermon -- From Triumph to Trial by Pastor Joe Ellis
New Testament Reading -- Matthew 21:1-11
and Matthew 27:11-26