Colerain Presbyterian Church

Colerain Presbyterian Church
Come celebrate the Story with us!

Sunday, March 23, 2014


In John 4 Jesus encounters a person on the opposite end of the spectrum to him. What does he do? He builds a bridge of friendship to the person and helps that person confront the truth and experience a transformation. Check out this weeks worship videos:

One Great Hour of Sharing -- Libby Hoskins


Our Choir's Anthem -- The Lamb of God

Children's Sermon -- Easter Eggs Part 3 by Debbie Carpenter

Lenten Reading -- A Voice from the Mob -- Pattie Crunnelle

Praise Song -- Above All

Old Testament Reading -- Psalm 95 -- Debbie Carpenter

Sermon -- Building a Bridge by Pastor Joe Ellis
New Testament Reading -- John 4:5-29

Sunday, March 16, 2014


Lent is a time when God challenges us to embark on a new journey, a journey of new possibilities, new challenges, and new life. Check out today's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:

Lenten Reading for the second Sunday in Lent -- Jane Whitecotton

Praise Song: We Are the Reason

Our Choir's Anthem

Children's Sermon -- The Easter Eggs by Debbie Carpenter
Egg 3 -- The Cup
Egg 4 -- Praying Hands

Old Testament Reading
Genesis 12:1-4 -- Debbie Carpeter

Sermon: A New Journey
Pastor Joe Ellis

Sunday, March 9, 2014


What does God have to do to get our attention? A burning bush? Lightning and thunder with loud voice telling us to "Listen!" Usually, most people don't pay much attention until something threatening or scary happens. Then they sit up and say, "Okay, God, you got my attention." Check out today's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:

Lenten Reading by Ryan Shirley

Praise Song: I Love You Lord and Alleluia

Our Choir's Anthem: Won't You Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart


Children Sermon by Debbie Carptenter

Old Testament Reading: Exodus 24:12-18

New Testament Reading: Matthew 17:1-9 and
Sermon: Called Up the Mountain by Pastor Joe Ellis