Colerain Presbyterian Church

Colerain Presbyterian Church
Come celebrate the Story with us!

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Sometimes we go through dry, barren valleys in life. During these times we wonder if we will make it through the day. But God wants us to realize the finish line is out there. God provides strength when we don't think we can go on. I had a friend who recently ran the Columbus Marathon. At the twenty mile mark he told me he wanted to quit. The pain from a rib injury and a hamstring strain seemed impossible to overcome. But then he realized the finish line was six miles ahead. He kept putting one foot in front of another. Before he knew it, his spirit was revived and he finished the race. Check out today's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church.

Praise Song: I Just Came to Praise the Lord
Our Choirs Anthem
Children's Sermon -- The Jack-o-Lantern
Old Testament Reading: Psalm 84
New Testament Reading:
II Timothy

Monday, October 14, 2013


Times have changed. Years ago the church was the center of family life. This is not the case today. Because so many activities and responsibilities are drawing families away from the church, many fellowships are struggling to maintain the facility and pay the preacher. Churches are closing their doors in record numbers. In order to survive these hard times, churches need a core of spiritually tough, committed people. Check out this week's worship videos.

Praise Song: Glorify Thy Name
Children's Sermon -- Getting Stronger!
by Debbie Carpenter
Old Testament Reading
by Bill Nagel
New Testament Reading by
Pastor Joe Ellis
Sermon: Hard Times and Tough People
Pastor Joe Ellis

Sunday, October 6, 2013


We live in a world that has a tolerance for wickedness. Because society enjoys the guilty pleasures of violent entertainment, salaciousness, and greed, we exist in a culture enveloped in a moral fog that hovers over murky and dangerous waters. As Christians, somehow we have to navigate these waters. Perhaps it's time to build a bridge--a bridge over troubled waters.
Children's Sermon by Pastor Joe
Christmas Shoeboxes -- Patti Crunelle
Old Testament Reading
New Testament Reading and Sermon
Bridge Over Troubled Waters
by Pastor Joe Ellis