Colerain Presbyterian Church

Colerain Presbyterian Church
Come celebrate the Story with us!

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Jesus told us to ask and it shall be given to us, seek and we shall find, knock and the door will be opened. Does this mean that prayer is all about bugging God until he gives us what we want? Or is there something much deeper to this teaching? Check out this week's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:
Praise song: What a Friend We Have in Jesus
Old Testament Reading by Sarah Ellis Taylor
from Genesis 18:20-32
New Testament Reading from
Luke 11:5-13
Pastor Joe's Sermon:
Prayer, Persistence, and Possibilities

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Have you ever had anyone enter your life that you felt was sent from God? Today we discover how important it is to greet God and those messengers he sends our way. Check out our videos from today's worship service:

Praise Band: Revelation Song
Old Testament Reading from Genesis 18
by Rebekah Shirley
New Testament Reading from Luke 10
by Pastor Joe
Pastor Joe's sermon:
Greeting God

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Why is it so difficult to be all we can be physically, mentally, and spiritually? Is it because we strive to change from the outside-in by following 10-step plans or some guru's guidelines. God's transformation plan works form the inside-out. check out today's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:
Praise Song -- His Name Is Wonderful
Old Testament Reading from Deuteronomy 30
New Testament Reading from Colossians 1
Sermon: From the Inside Out
Pastor Joe Ellis

Saturday, July 13, 2013


The Donley Family sings! Aug 4.
The elder statesmen of the family attended Colerain Presbyterian in the late 40's and early 50's. Daisy and Millard Donley were the parents. They both sang in the choir and she taught Sunday School....he was a Trustee......They were like many of our families today......did many things around the church. They loved music and singing for the Lord. Now their children and grandchildren and great grandchildren will be singing to the glory of the Lord in our sanctuary Aug 4. Invite your friends and family for the uplifting music.

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Great illumination creates the burden of responsibility. Our forefathers created a constitution that outshines them all. That is why we invite the world to join us when we celebrate our nations birthday. We want the world to know the freedoms we value and share because of our government's constitution. However, as Christians do we want our government telling our citizens what to believe as far as religion goes? Of course not. Proclaiming Christ to the world is not our government's job. It's the church's responsibility. Therefore we have the separation of church and state. It is our government's job to protect and defend our freedom to proclaim Christ to the world. Check out this week's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:

Praise Song: God Bless America
Old Testament Reading from Psalm 66 by Rebekah Shirley
New Testament Reading from Galatians 6
Pastor Joe's Sermon: America and the Cross

Monday, July 1, 2013

A Hand to the Plow

Religion is nice. It's a big soft pillow that makes us feel comfortable. It changes shape and adjusts to our wants and whims. Doggone it! Why did Jesus have to make things so hard? Instead of a pillow, he offers us a plow. Instead of lying down in our comfort zone, he challenges us to get up and step outside of that comfort zone. Check out his week's videos from this Sunday's worship service.

Praise Song: More Love, More Power
Old Testament Reading: I Kings 19:19-21
New Testament Reading: Luke 9: 57-62
Pastor Joe's Sermon: A Hand to the Plow