Colerain Presbyterian Church

Colerain Presbyterian Church
Come celebrate the Story with us!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Power of Love

The Beatles sang "All You Need Is Love." Did they understand the depth of the truth to the lyrics of that song? Maybe, but Jesus taught his disciples: "A new commandment I give to you to love one another as I have loved you. By this all men will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another." And then those disciples went out and changed the world--not by some 10-step evangelism program, but by the power of love. Check out this Sunday's worship videos below:
Praise Song: They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love

Our Choir's Anthem

Old Testament Reading: Psalm 148

New Testament Reading: John 13:31-35

Pastor Joe's Sermon: The Power of Love

Sunday, April 21, 2013


This week our nation has faced the valley of the shadow of death with the Boston Marathon bombing, the Texas fertilizer plant explosion, and the tragedy of the avalanche in Colorado. It seems that more and more often we find ourselves in the shadow of death. As Christians with the hope of the resurrection and the gospel message of new life, how should we respond when we come face to face with death? Check out this week's videos from our worship service:

Praise Song: Gentle Shepherd

Birthday Offering

Our Choir's Anthem

Nancy Destefano: The Laughlin Chapel Ministry

Old and New Testament Readings

Pastor Joe's Sermon: In the Valley of the Shadow

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Apprehended by Jesus

Often it is in the deep pits of life, pits of suffering, or confusion, or sin, that we gain a new perspective on life, that our spiritual blindness is healed, and we become open to the possibility of rebirth. So it was with the Apostle Paul. Check this Sunday's worship service videos below.

Praise Song -- There's Something About That Name

Dr. Chuck's Children's Sermon

Nancy Theaker's Old Testament Reading -- Psalm 30

New Testament Reading -- Acts 9:1-

Pastor Joe's Sermon: Apprehended by Jesus

Sunday, April 7, 2013

You Can't Stop God

After the resurrection the gospel rang out and many new believers joined the church. The apostles went from cowering men filled with fear to bold proclaimers of the love and mercy of God through Jesus. Their courage arose in the face of great opposition from the religious leaders and Roman authorities. But the world soon discovered--You Can't Stop God. Check out our worship videos below:

Praise Song: Pass It On

Pastor Joe's Children's Sermon

Our Choir's Anthem

OT Reading by Nancy Theaker

New Testament Reading

Sermon: You Cant' Stop God