Colerain Presbyterian Church

Colerain Presbyterian Church
Come celebrate the Story with us!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


What a wonderful Christmas Eve service we shared together as we joined the choirs of angel in praise to worship God Almighty who sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. Check out the videos from our service below:
Welcome and Prelude
Lighting the Christ Candle
Dr. Chuck DeNunzio
Duet: O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Sarah and Josh Taylor
Our Choir's Anthem
Duet: It's True
Jessie and Joe Ellis
Christ Message: A Christmas Dream
Pastor Joe Ellis
Solo: Shawn Ravsch
Scriptures and Carols

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


If you need help getting into the Christmas Spirit, just let Dr. Danny Jones and Deuces Wild bring some great Christmas music to you from the concert at the Colerain Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening December 15.
Part 1
Christmas Time Is Coming
Carol of the Bells
Part 2
What Child Is This
Step Into Christmas
Part 3
Little Drummer Boy
Part 4
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Part 5
Part 6
Charlie Brown's Christmas Theme
Part 7
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
It's a Wonderful World
Ride, Frosty, Ride (Ride, Sally, Ride)
Part 8
Run, Run, Rudolf
Part 9
Amazing Grace
Will the Circle Be Unbroken
I'll Fly Away
Part 10
Silent Night

Sunday, December 15, 2013


Pittsburgh Steeler coach, Mike Tomlin, says he likes to watch the jumbotron during kickoff and punt returns to get a better perspective on the play. Seeing the view from above helps him to coach more effectively. Perhaps Christians need to focus on God's Jumbotron for their lives. Check out today's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church.

Nancy Nagel -- the Advent Candle
Praise Song -- O Little Town of Bethlehem
Our Choir's Anthem
Dr. Chuck's Children's Sermon
The Animals at the Manger Scene - Part 3
Old Testament Reading
Isaiah 11:1-10

New Testament Reading
Romans 14: 4-13
Sermon: God's Jumbotron
Pastor Joe Ellis

Sunday, December 8, 2013


Today our children presented a wonderful program during our worship service, celebrating the coming of Jesus into our world 2000 years ago. Check out our worship videos below:
Minute of Mission
Libby Hoskins
Lighting of the Second Advent Candle
Ryan Shirley
Children's Sermon -- The Animals at the Manger
Part 2 The Donkey -- by Dr. Chuck DeNunzio
Children's Program
Directed and organized by
Holly McCormack and Steve McDonald

Sunday, November 24, 2013


In the history of the world there is one king who can claim the place of honor as the greatest of all time. Check out today's videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church

Praise Song: Jesus, We Just Want to Thank You
Our Choir's Anthem
Dr. Chuck DeNunzio's
Minute for Mission
Dr. Chuck's Children's Sermon
Part 1: The Animals at the Manger Scene
Old Testament Reading: Jeremiah 23:1-6
New Testament Reading: Luke 1:68-79
Sermon: A Game of Thrones
Pastor Joe Ellis

Sunday, November 17, 2013


There have been two temples built and destroyed in Jerusalem. Currently on the temple mount sits the Dome of the Rock, an Islamic Shrine. Will the shrine be destroyed and a third temple built there, the one described by Ezekiel? How important is that third temple to Christians? What really is the third temple? Check out today's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:
Praise Song -- I Love You Lord
Our Choir's Anthem
Children's Sermon -- Building a Life
Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 65:17-25
New Testament Reading; Luke 21:5-19
Sermon Part 1 -- The Three Temples
Pastor Joe Ellis
Sermon Part 2 -- The Three Temples
Pastor Joe Ellis

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Today during our service we honored veterans and looked at their example to discover how we need to stand firm during the spiritual battles we face. Check out our worship videos here:
Veteran's Day readings by Debbie Carpenter and Bill Nagel
Dedication of our Christmas Shoeboxes
Baptism of Noah Daniel Craig
Old Testament Reading -- Haggai 1
Shirley Colvin
New Testament Reading -- II Thessalonians 2
Sermon: Standing Firm through the Battle
Pastor Joe Ellis

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Have you ever felt like you were in a rut? Heading down the same path and getting further away from the person God wants you to be? Perhaps you need a tree with a view--a place where God shows you how to look at life with a whole new perspective. Check out this Sunday's videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:
Praise Song: When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder
Our Choir's Anthem: Just a Closer Walk with Thee
Children's Sermon: Zacchaeus Climbs a Tree
Pastor Joe
All Saints Day Service
Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 1:10-20
Shirley Colvin
Sermon: A Tree With a View
Pastor Joe Ellis

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Sometimes we go through dry, barren valleys in life. During these times we wonder if we will make it through the day. But God wants us to realize the finish line is out there. God provides strength when we don't think we can go on. I had a friend who recently ran the Columbus Marathon. At the twenty mile mark he told me he wanted to quit. The pain from a rib injury and a hamstring strain seemed impossible to overcome. But then he realized the finish line was six miles ahead. He kept putting one foot in front of another. Before he knew it, his spirit was revived and he finished the race. Check out today's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church.

Praise Song: I Just Came to Praise the Lord
Our Choirs Anthem
Children's Sermon -- The Jack-o-Lantern
Old Testament Reading: Psalm 84
New Testament Reading:
II Timothy

Monday, October 14, 2013


Times have changed. Years ago the church was the center of family life. This is not the case today. Because so many activities and responsibilities are drawing families away from the church, many fellowships are struggling to maintain the facility and pay the preacher. Churches are closing their doors in record numbers. In order to survive these hard times, churches need a core of spiritually tough, committed people. Check out this week's worship videos.

Praise Song: Glorify Thy Name
Children's Sermon -- Getting Stronger!
by Debbie Carpenter
Old Testament Reading
by Bill Nagel
New Testament Reading by
Pastor Joe Ellis
Sermon: Hard Times and Tough People
Pastor Joe Ellis

Sunday, October 6, 2013


We live in a world that has a tolerance for wickedness. Because society enjoys the guilty pleasures of violent entertainment, salaciousness, and greed, we exist in a culture enveloped in a moral fog that hovers over murky and dangerous waters. As Christians, somehow we have to navigate these waters. Perhaps it's time to build a bridge--a bridge over troubled waters.
Children's Sermon by Pastor Joe
Christmas Shoeboxes -- Patti Crunelle
Old Testament Reading
New Testament Reading and Sermon
Bridge Over Troubled Waters
by Pastor Joe Ellis

Sunday, September 29, 2013


In the story about the rich man and Lazarus, Jesus, very graphically, takes us to hell and back. Like a frightened man waking from a nightmare, we gain a new perspective on life from these disturbing words of Jesus. Check out today's videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church

Praise Song: I'll Fly Away
Children's Sermon:
Is Heaven Better than Disney World?
Old Testament Reading: Amos 6:1-7
New Testament Reading: Luke 16:19-31
Sermon: Lost in Luxury
Pastor Joe Ellis

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Living Uprightly in a Crooked World

We are living in a very crooked world. In society in general the love of money and material things far out weigh the love for God. In this atmosphere Jesus challenges us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. He said, "I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. Therefore you need to be as shrewd as serpents yet as innocent as doves." Check out today's worship videos from the Colerain Pres. Church:
Praise Song: How Great Is Our God
Children's Sermon: What to Do If You Find a Dollar
Old Testament Reading: Amos 8:1-12
David Crunelle
New Testament Reading: Luke 16:1-13
Sermon: Living Uprightly in a Crooked World
Pastor Joe Ellis

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Growing up in the church, many of us have a difficult time understanding what it means to be lost. Because we don't see ourselves as terrible sinners, do we really understand the depths of God's forgiveness? What happens when you do understand God's forgiveness? Check out today's videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:
Educational Sunday Blessing
by Patti Crunelle
New Testament Reading
I Timothy 1:12-17
Sermon: Understanding Forgiveness
Pastor Joe Ellis

Sunday, September 8, 2013


What did Jesus mean when he said we must hate our mother, father, spouse, and children if we decide to follow him and be his disciple? The people in the crowd that day found these words hard to swallow, but yet these words have the power to give great life. Check out today's worship videos:
Praise Band: Battle Hymn of the Republic
Historical background by Dr. Chuck DeNunzio
Remember 9/11
Reading and Prayer by Patti Crunelle
Old Testament Reading--Jeremiah 18:1-11
by David Crunelle
New Testament Reading and Prayer
Luke 14:25-33 by Pastor Joe Ellis
Sermon: Cracked Pots
Pastor Joe Ellis

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Our great challenge as Christians is to construct strong, stable, enlightening lives in an ever darkening, unstable world. Check out this week's videos from our worship service:
Praise Band: El Shaddai
Old Testament Reading: Psalm 112
David Crunelle
New Testament Reading: Hebrews 13:1-8
Pastor Joe Ellis
 Sermon: Construction a Life
Pastor Joe Ellis

Sunday, August 25, 2013


A chicken is constantly looking down, pecking the ground for seeds. An eagle soars majestically through the heavens. People who are bent over looking through the lens of limitation will never discover the possibilities for their lives until they begin to look up and see through the lens of God's possibilities. Check out today's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church.

Praise Band: He Touched Me
Old Testament Reading from Jeremiah 1:4-10
Randy Norris
New Testament Reading from Luke 13:10-17
Pastor Joe Ellis
 Sermon: Are You a Chicken or an Eagle
Part 1 -- Pastor Joe Ellis

Sermon: Are You an Eagle or a Chicken?
Part 2 -- Pastor Joe Ellis

Sunday, August 11, 2013


When believers gather to worship our invisible creator God, the invisible becomes visible! Check out today's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church.
Announcements  -- Randy Norris
Praise Song: How Great Is Our God
Old Testament Reading: Psalm 33
Randy Norris
New Testament Reading: Hebrews 11:1-16
Sermon: How Great Is Our God

Sunday, August 4, 2013


On this beautiful Sunday morning we had the privilege of welcoming the Donley Family Singers who blessed us with a number of wonderful worship songs. Check out the videos below:
Introduction by Mr. Donley and Introit:
Surely the Presence of the Lord Is in This Place
The Donley Family
Praise Song
There's Just Something About That Name
Anthem: Majesty
The Donley Family
Offertory: With the Voice of Singing
The Donley Family
Old Testament Reading: Psalm 49
Randy Norris
New Testament Reading: Luke 12:13-21
Pastor Joe Ellis
Sermon: What a Fool Believes
Pastor Joe Ellis
Benediction Response: A Gaelic Blessing
The Donley Family Singers

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Jesus told us to ask and it shall be given to us, seek and we shall find, knock and the door will be opened. Does this mean that prayer is all about bugging God until he gives us what we want? Or is there something much deeper to this teaching? Check out this week's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:
Praise song: What a Friend We Have in Jesus
Old Testament Reading by Sarah Ellis Taylor
from Genesis 18:20-32
New Testament Reading from
Luke 11:5-13
Pastor Joe's Sermon:
Prayer, Persistence, and Possibilities

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Have you ever had anyone enter your life that you felt was sent from God? Today we discover how important it is to greet God and those messengers he sends our way. Check out our videos from today's worship service:

Praise Band: Revelation Song
Old Testament Reading from Genesis 18
by Rebekah Shirley
New Testament Reading from Luke 10
by Pastor Joe
Pastor Joe's sermon:
Greeting God

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Why is it so difficult to be all we can be physically, mentally, and spiritually? Is it because we strive to change from the outside-in by following 10-step plans or some guru's guidelines. God's transformation plan works form the inside-out. check out today's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:
Praise Song -- His Name Is Wonderful
Old Testament Reading from Deuteronomy 30
New Testament Reading from Colossians 1
Sermon: From the Inside Out
Pastor Joe Ellis

Saturday, July 13, 2013


The Donley Family sings! Aug 4.
The elder statesmen of the family attended Colerain Presbyterian in the late 40's and early 50's. Daisy and Millard Donley were the parents. They both sang in the choir and she taught Sunday School....he was a Trustee......They were like many of our families today......did many things around the church. They loved music and singing for the Lord. Now their children and grandchildren and great grandchildren will be singing to the glory of the Lord in our sanctuary Aug 4. Invite your friends and family for the uplifting music.

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Great illumination creates the burden of responsibility. Our forefathers created a constitution that outshines them all. That is why we invite the world to join us when we celebrate our nations birthday. We want the world to know the freedoms we value and share because of our government's constitution. However, as Christians do we want our government telling our citizens what to believe as far as religion goes? Of course not. Proclaiming Christ to the world is not our government's job. It's the church's responsibility. Therefore we have the separation of church and state. It is our government's job to protect and defend our freedom to proclaim Christ to the world. Check out this week's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:

Praise Song: God Bless America
Old Testament Reading from Psalm 66 by Rebekah Shirley
New Testament Reading from Galatians 6
Pastor Joe's Sermon: America and the Cross

Monday, July 1, 2013

A Hand to the Plow

Religion is nice. It's a big soft pillow that makes us feel comfortable. It changes shape and adjusts to our wants and whims. Doggone it! Why did Jesus have to make things so hard? Instead of a pillow, he offers us a plow. Instead of lying down in our comfort zone, he challenges us to get up and step outside of that comfort zone. Check out his week's videos from this Sunday's worship service.

Praise Song: More Love, More Power
Old Testament Reading: I Kings 19:19-21
New Testament Reading: Luke 9: 57-62
Pastor Joe's Sermon: A Hand to the Plow

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Life has its ups and downs, twists and turns. How do we maintain spiritual equilibrium as we go from the heights to the depths? How do we keep our eyes on the Lord when the stresses and strains of the hard turns of life come upon us? For these answers and more check out our worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church worship service:
Praise Song: You're a Grand Ol' Flag
Libby Hoskins: Old Testament Reading --  Psalm 30
New Testament Reading: Galatians 1:11-24
Sermon: The Roller Coaster Ride of Life
by Pastor Joe Ellis

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Do you ever feel like an underdog? Are your circumstances difficult right now? If you feel like the odds are against you, then today's message is for you. Throughout the Old and New Testament God's hand of favor has been on the underdog. Check out today's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:
Honor Our Graduates for 2013
Old Testament Reading -- Psalm 96
New Testament Reading: Luke 7:1-12
Pastor Joe's Sermon: The Underdog

Sunday, May 26, 2013


Big words--justification, sanctification, and glorification, but understanding these words help us to make progress in our spiritual growth. Check the videos from our Memorial Day service below:
Bill Nagel's Memorial Day Reading and Poem
Our Choir's Anthem
New Testament Reading: Romans 5:1-11
Old Testament Reading: Psalm 8
Pastor Joe's Sermon:
Justification, Sanctification, Glorification

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Today we celebrate Pentecost Sunday, the day God empowered the church by sending the Holy Spirit. Check out our worship videos:


Fly Up Sunday Presentation

Old Testament Reading

New Testament Reading

Sermon: The Gift of the Spirit

Monday, May 13, 2013


In this life we don't have control over many outward circumstances, but one thing we do control: our attitudes and our response to every situation. When God empowers this ability to respond, our difficulties can become stepping stones to spiritual victory. Check out our worship videos from this Sunday:
Praise Song: Family of God

Our Choir's anthem

Children's Sermon

Mother's Day Readings

Old Testament Reading

New Testament Reading

Sermon: Response--Ability

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Today was Older Adult Appreciation Sunday and we celebrated with a wonderful worship service which featured the "Rocking Chair Thespians." Check out the videos of our worship service below:
Our Choir's Anthem

Dr. Chuck's Children's Sermon: Polished Stones

Psalm 67 by Tina DeNunzio

The Rocking Chair Thespians 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Power of Love

The Beatles sang "All You Need Is Love." Did they understand the depth of the truth to the lyrics of that song? Maybe, but Jesus taught his disciples: "A new commandment I give to you to love one another as I have loved you. By this all men will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another." And then those disciples went out and changed the world--not by some 10-step evangelism program, but by the power of love. Check out this Sunday's worship videos below:
Praise Song: They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love

Our Choir's Anthem

Old Testament Reading: Psalm 148

New Testament Reading: John 13:31-35

Pastor Joe's Sermon: The Power of Love

Sunday, April 21, 2013


This week our nation has faced the valley of the shadow of death with the Boston Marathon bombing, the Texas fertilizer plant explosion, and the tragedy of the avalanche in Colorado. It seems that more and more often we find ourselves in the shadow of death. As Christians with the hope of the resurrection and the gospel message of new life, how should we respond when we come face to face with death? Check out this week's videos from our worship service:

Praise Song: Gentle Shepherd

Birthday Offering

Our Choir's Anthem

Nancy Destefano: The Laughlin Chapel Ministry

Old and New Testament Readings

Pastor Joe's Sermon: In the Valley of the Shadow

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Apprehended by Jesus

Often it is in the deep pits of life, pits of suffering, or confusion, or sin, that we gain a new perspective on life, that our spiritual blindness is healed, and we become open to the possibility of rebirth. So it was with the Apostle Paul. Check this Sunday's worship service videos below.

Praise Song -- There's Something About That Name

Dr. Chuck's Children's Sermon

Nancy Theaker's Old Testament Reading -- Psalm 30

New Testament Reading -- Acts 9:1-

Pastor Joe's Sermon: Apprehended by Jesus

Sunday, April 7, 2013

You Can't Stop God

After the resurrection the gospel rang out and many new believers joined the church. The apostles went from cowering men filled with fear to bold proclaimers of the love and mercy of God through Jesus. Their courage arose in the face of great opposition from the religious leaders and Roman authorities. But the world soon discovered--You Can't Stop God. Check out our worship videos below:

Praise Song: Pass It On

Pastor Joe's Children's Sermon

Our Choir's Anthem

OT Reading by Nancy Theaker

New Testament Reading

Sermon: You Cant' Stop God

Sunday, March 31, 2013

EASTER SUNDAY: The Day Death Stepped Aside

What a wonderful Easter Sunday service we enjoyed as we celebrated the resurrection of our Lord. Check out our worship videos below:

Debbie Carpenter's Lenten Reading

Children's Sermon

Our Choir's Anthem

Connie Brant -- Old Testament Reading

Pastor Joe -- New Testament Reading

Pastor Joe's Sermon: When Death Stepped Aside

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Lazarus Sign

Before Jesus began his triumphal enty into Jerusalem, something inspired and motivated the multitudes to line the road, wave palm branches and shout, "Hossanah!" What brought about his spectacular parade?
Palm Sunday Processional

Rebekah Shirley's Lenten Reading

Our Choir's Anthem

Debbie Carpenter's Children's Sermon

Old Testament and New Testament Readings

Pastor Joe's Sermon: The Lazarus Sign

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Something New!

The resurrection was something new. It impacted mankind like no other even in history. Check out today's videos from our Colerain Presbyterian Church Worship service.
Larry Swiger's Minute for Mission

Randy Norris's Lenten Reading
and Praise song: Rise Again

Connie Brant's Old Testament Reading

Pastor Joe's Sermon: Something New

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Welcome Home!

Why has the parable of the prodigal son become the most famous parable in the history of the world? Perhaps it's because through this story Jesus reveals the very character of God. Check out today's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church

Praise Song: Our God Reigns

Our Choir's Anthem

Dr. Chuck's Minute for Mission

Children's Sermon

Connie Brant's OT Reading

Pastor Joe's Sermon: Welcome home

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Chance - Choice - Challenge

For some reason a lot of people feel that they are entitled to this life and that God owes them eternal life after this life because of their good deeds. Jesus made it clear we are not entitled. Life is a gift, and eternal life cannot be earned. It can only be granted by a merciful God. check out today's videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:
Lenten Reading by Libby Hoskins

Our Choir's Anthem

Children's Sermon: Hot Potato

Old Testament Reading by Connie Brant

Pastor Joe's Sermon : Chance - Choice - Challenge

Sunday, February 24, 2013

No Turning Back

Why is the old hymn I Have Decided to Follow Jesus such a favorite among church goers? I would answer that question by saying it is because the decision to follow Jesus is monumental in one's life. At that points life changes. Spiritual eyes are opened to the deeper things of God. Check out this week's videos from our Sunday worship service:

Connie Brant's Lenten Reading

Dr. Chuck's Children's Sermon

Our Choir's Anthem

Pastor Joe's Sermon: No Turning Back

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Power of Believing

What happens deep within us when we believe? You might be surprised. Check out this week's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church.
Praise song: He Is Lord

Children's Sermon--Walking on a Wire

Bill Nagel's Lenten Reading

Choir's Anthem

Patrick McCormack's OT Reading

Pastor Joe's Sermon: The Power of Believing

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Catch

Sometimes it is at our lowest point, when our hearts are troubled that we "catch" what God is trying to teach us. Often it takes difficult times to make our hearts pliable and ready to receive revelation. However, it is in this lowly state, this humble state that gives God the opportunity to change the direction of our lives. Check out today's videos from our worship service:

Praise Song: I See the Lord

Anthem: Here I Am, Lord

Children's Sermon: What Do I Need to Go Fishing?

O.T. Reading by Holly McCormack
N.T. Reading by Pastor Joe
Sermon: The Catch by Pastor Joe

Sunday, February 3, 2013

For a Greater Glory

The people who have made the biggest impact in our world spiritually are those who have lived for a greater glory and  a higher purpose. Check out this Sunday's videos from the Colerain Presbyterain Church.

Praise song: Something Beautiful
Children's Sermon: Homemade

Joe's Sermon: For a Greater Glory

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Words of Deliverance

A man by the name of John Newton worked on slave trading ships until he had an encounter with Jesus Christ. He turned his back on the sea and slave trading to become a minister of the gospel and influential abolitionist. But there is something else that John Newton is known for, something that might surprise you. To find out, check out this week's videos and sermon from the Colerain Presbyterian Church.
Praise Song: Amazing Grace

Anthem: Go Down Moses

Children's Sermon -- Pastor Joe

Jane Whitecotton: I Am a Christian

Old Testament Reading by Patti Crunelle

Pastor Joe's Sermon: Words of Deliverance

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Wedding Planner

Why did God choose a wedding to be the event where the first sign of Jesus' messiahship was revealed? What is it about the marriage relationship that is similar to the kind of relationship God wants with his church? Check out our worship videos for this Sunday:
Our Choir's anthem

Chuck's Children's Sermon -- Got Time?

Installation of Officers

Pastor Joe's Sermon: The Wedding Planner

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Up From the Depths

Sunday January 13, 3013
Check this video of today's service:
The praise song: Come to Jesus
The Children's sermon--Do You Recognize This Bird?
The Anthem
The Old Testament Reading
The New Testament Reading
Pastor Joe's sermon: Up From the Depths

Monday, January 7, 2013

This Sunday we journeyed with the wise men to Bethlehem, bowing before the Christ child to offer ourselves in service of this new born king. Check out the video of our Epiphany service below:
Epiphany service and Pastor Joe's sermon:
Journey to the Light