Colerain Presbyterian Church

Colerain Presbyterian Church
Come celebrate the Story with us!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Alive in the Spirit

Pentecost is one of the most important days on the church calendar. It is the day God breathed his Spirit into the lives of believers and the church was born. Check out our Pentecost worship videos below:
Our praise song: Sweet, Sweet Spirit

Arguell Harris's reading of the Memorial Day
poem, "Arlington"

Our choir's anthem: Let There Be Peace on Earth

Arguell Harris's Memorial Day Poem:

Pastor Joe's sermon: Alive in the Spirit

Releasing the Balloons

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Thank God for Mothers

We had a wonderful Mother's Day service. Check out our worship videos below: Praise song and sharing about our mothers, Debbie's poem: Aprons, Children's sermon, the Anthem: M-O-T-H-E-R, Wanita's Old Testament reading, and Pastor Joe's sermon: Thank God for Mothers.
Song: What a Difference You Made in My Life
and Jack Kafana's story about his mom.

Debbie Carpenter's poem: Apron

Choir's Anthem: M-O-T-H-E-R

Wanita Zambori's OT Reading

Pastor Joe's Sermon: Thank God for Mothers.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Old Faithful

There is a lot to learn from our older church members. Why is it they have been committed to God and serving the church year after year into golden years of their lives? What has motivated them to keep the faith and endure through the trials and tribulations of this life? Why is their relationship to God and fellowship with other believers so important to them? Check out our worship videos below to find out:
Praise Song: The Longer I Serve Him

Our Choir's Anthem

Wanita Zambori's Old Testament Reading

Skit: Patti Crunelle, Jane Whitecotton, Bob Smith, Betty Snyder

Pastor Joe's Sermon: The Old Faithful

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

There Is No God Like Our God

What a wonderful God we have--a God of grace, life, and power. Check out this Sunday's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church: Our choir's anthem: "It's Me, O Lord," Elder Tom Zambori's children's message and sermon: There Is No God Like Our God

Our choir's anthem: It's Me, O Lord

Children's Sermon

Tom Zambori's sermon: There Is No God Like Our God