Colerain Presbyterian Church

Colerain Presbyterian Church
Come celebrate the Story with us!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Why Are You Troubled

We live in a troubled world, a world full of problems and pain. Often we seek to escape the problems around us or numb ourselves to the pain, but God desires to lift us above the fray by walking daily in a close relationship with him. Step by step, day by day, God leads us where he wants us to be. When we need correcting, God corrects us. When we need directing, God directs us. By communing with Him, we can transcend this troubled world.
Praise Song: Lord I Lift Your Name on High

Children's Sermon: Show Me Your Scars

Valerie Duck's Old Testament Reading

Pastor Joe's Sermon: Why Are You Troubled

Sunday, April 8, 2012

From Tribulation to Testing to Triumph

As we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, we recognize a divine pattern repeated throughout scripture: tribulation--testing--triumph. We see this process in David's life from the Old Testament and in the lives of the disciples. Why? This is how God shapes our lives and sculpts our characters to prepare us for his calling upon our lives. Check out our Easter videos:
Procession, Hymn: Christ the Lord is Risen Today, Lenten Reading, Hymn: Up from the Grave He Arose, Anthem, Pastor Joe's sermon: From Tribulation to Triumph.

Our Choir's Procession

Hymn: Christ the Lord Is Risen Today

Cheryl Bruney's Lenten Reading

Hymn: Up From the Grave He Arose

Our Choir's Anthem

Pastor Joe's sermon: From Tribulation to Triumph

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Journey to the Cross

The great scientist of the mid 1600s, Blaise Pascal, said, "The greatest of the proofs of Jesus Christ are the prophecies. This morning we investigate the amazing Old Testment prophecies of the Messiah that Jesus so incredibly fulfilled. Check our our Palm Sunday worship videos below:

Palm Sunday Procession

Chuck DeNunzio's Lenten Reading

Children's Sermon

Valerie Duck's Old Testament Reading

Anthem: Not a Mumblin' Word

Pastor Joe's Sermon: The Journey to the Cross