Colerain Presbyterian Church

Colerain Presbyterian Church
Come celebrate the Story with us!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Untouchables

Do you remember the old TV series, the Untouchables? How about the movie with Robert De Niro, Kevin Costner, and Sean Connery? You can also find what man considered untouchable in the Bible, but with God the untouchble becomes touchable. Check out this Sunday's videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:

Praise Song: He Touched Me

Children's Sermon: The Gorilla in the Basement

Our Choir's Anthem

Pastor Joe's sermon: The Untouchables

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Big Fish, Little Fish

Jonah was swallowed by a big fish. The disciples spent their time catching little fish. A fish became the symbol of early Christianity. Why in the world did Jesus pick fishermen to be his disciples? What did they have to offer? You may be surprised.

Tom Zambori's Old Testament Reading of Jonah 3

Pastor Joe's sermon: Big Fish, Little Fish

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Come and See!

Last week my beloved Pittsburgh Steelers got Tebowed in the opening round of the playoffs. Tim Tebow is a young, exuberant, evangelical Christian with an unabashed love for the Lord. He reminds me of the disciples when they first met Jesus. They couldn't contain their excitement. They told their friends to "Come and See!" Check out this week's worship videos: our praise song--Isn't He, Tom Zambori's Old Testament reading, and Pastor Joe's sermon: "Come and See!"

Praise song: Isn't He

Old Testament Reading by Tom Zambori

Pastor Joe's sermon: "Come and See!"

Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Journey of Change

On Epiphany Sunday we focus on the wise men and their journey., they were open to hearing God speak to them. They saw their journey as a personal quest, and they were willing to go against the grain. Check out our worship videos: the ordination service, the OT reading, and the sermon.

Ordination of Lori Reeb

Old Testament Reading by Tom Zambori

Sermon: A Journey of Change -- CRE Joe C. Ellis

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Start to the New Year

What do you need to make a successful start to 2012? Vision, a sense of the movement of God's timing, the faith to seize the moment of God's timing, and the power of the Holy Spirit. Check out our New Year's Day worship videos:

Tom Zambori reading our Old Testament scriptures from Ecclesiastes 3

Pastor Joe's message: A New Start to the New Year