Colerain Presbyterian Church

Colerain Presbyterian Church
Come celebrate the Story with us!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Example of a Child

The last Sunday in December was cold and icy. So if you didn't get to make it to church, here is the video of this morning's worship service.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve Service

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! Here's a video of our Christmas Eve service. It was a great time of fellowship, singing, and praise as we celebrated the reason for the season--the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Words of the Prophet

This Sunday, the fourth Sunday in Advent we examine the words of the prophet, Micah, and also the words of an unexpected prophet, Mary, a teenage girl who was full of grace and consented to God's will--baring the Son and bringing the King of Kings into the world. Check out our videos below:

Lighting the 4th Advent Candle

Praise Song: O Little Town of Bethlehem

Our Choir's Anthem

Pastor Joe's Sermon: The Words of the Prophet

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Deuces Wild Christmas Concert!

On Sunday evening December 16 Dr. Danny Jones and Deuces Wild blessed us with a great Christmas concert. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Our Choir's Christmas Story

This week our choir and several members of the congregation are presenting the Christmas Story.
Director/Organist -- Jane Whitecotton
Mary - Becca Theaker
Joseph -- Josh King
Shepherds -- Rich Theaker, Rich Theaker, Richie Padyjasek, Thomas Singhaus, Ryan Theaker
Gabriel -- Dan Jones
Angels -- Mia McCormack, Kami McDonald, Tara Theaker, Shay Theaker, Mackenzie Reeb, Mattie Zavatsky
Wise Men -- Bob Smith, Roy Lucas, David Crunelle
Narrator -- Pastor Joe Ellis
Production -- Cathy Jones
Assistants -- Stacey Singhaus, Jacque Zambori
Costumes -- Jacque Zambori
The Choir -- Tina DeNunzio, Kim Norris, Debbie Carpenter, Patti Crunelle, Libby Hoskins, Holly McCormack, Patrick McCormack, Tom Zambori, Chuck DeNunzio, Randy Norris, Jack Kafana
The Choirs' Christmas Story:
Shepherds at the Manger.


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Children's Christmas Program

Today our children presented the program: The Symbols of the Christmas Tree. Great job, kids! Thanks to the leaders for organizing, practicing, and helping to present the program. Check out the video below and sing along with all the familiar Christmas carols.
Children's Christmas Program

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Hanging of the Greens

Today we celebrate a well-loved worship service--The Hanging of the Greens. As we decorate the church we take time to identify the symbols and meanings of all the items from wreaths to stars to banners and bows. Check out our worship videos and enjoy this wonderful tradition with us!

Lighting of the Advent Candle

Dr. Chuck's Minute for Mission

Hanging of the Greens

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Fear Not!

With the tensions in the mid-east rising, with so many unstable countries now equipped with nuclear weapons, with hatred and animosity growing among so many cultures, how much longer can our world go on before a cataclysmic event brings incredible destruction upon us? With so many people obsessed with AMC's zombie apocalypse, The Walking Dead, are we heading for a real apocalypse--the End of Days prophesied by Old and New Testament writers? If so, what does Jesus have to say about it? Check out our worship videos for Christ the King Sunday:

Praise Song: The King Is Coming

Our Choir's Anthem

Shirley Colvin's Old Testament Reading: Daniel 7

Pastor Joe's Sermon: Fear Not!
New Testament Reading: Revelation 1

Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Reason To Be Thankful

Check out our Thanksgiving Sunday worship videos--A Reason To Be Thankful
Praise Song: Jesus, We Just Want to Thank You


Old Testament Reading: Psalm 104

Pastor Joe's sermon: A Reason To Be Thankful

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Veteran's Day Sunday

Today we honor all veterans. We gather to worship freely and without fear because they made the commitment and sacrifices to make our freedom possible.
Praise Song -- The Battle Belongs to the Lord

Dr. Chuck's Children's Sermon:
"A Veteran's Bag of Stuff"

Veteran's Tribute and Anthem
"Let There Be Peace on Earth."

Old Testament reading by Shirley Colvin

Pastor Joe's sermon: Ready to Serve

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Not Far From Heaven

Today we will be honoring the members of our church who went on to be with the Lord this year--Sam Hoskins, Charles Snider, Bill Petroff, and Hank Whitecotton. Pastor Joe will be sharing the message: How Far Are We From Heaven. Our choir's anthem is "Bringing in the Sheaves." Check out our worship videos below:
Praise Song: Soon and Very Soon

Anthem: Bringing in the Sheaves

Children's Sermon: What Won't Need in Heaven

Shirley Colvin's OT Reading and Pastor Joe's Sermon: How Far Is Heaven.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Reformation Sunday

Who were Martin Luther, John Calvin, and John Knox and what part did they play in the Protestant Reformation and the development of the Presbyterian denomination? Check out today's videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:
Praise song: I Just Came to Praise the Lord.

Children's Sermon: Band-Aids

Connie Brant's Old Testament reading:
Psalm 126
Pastor Joe's sermon: "Restored"

Sunday, October 14, 2012

God Is Good

Where in the New Testament did Jesus say, "God is good?" Okay, he didn't use those exact words. He said, "No one is good except God alone." Most of us agree with him . . . until tragedies strike or times of difficulty arise. Then like Job, we struggle with those words as we try to maintain our faith. Despite our circumstances, God does not change. God is still good, compassionate and overflowing with love. Check out this week's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:
Praise Song: God Is So Good / There's Something about That Name

Anthem: When We All Get to Heaven

Connie Brant's Old Testament Reading: Job 23:1-10

Sermon: God Is Good

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Why Me Lord?

In 1973 Kris Kristofferson's poignant ballad, Why Me Lord?, hit #1 on the country charts. People had a hard time believing this hard-living man wrote such a spiritual song. David in Psalm 8 asks a similar question: What is man that you care about him? Today we will look into the answers to these important questions. Check out our worship videos below:

Praise song: Why Me Lord?

Our choir's anthem: In Rememberance

Connie Brant's Old Testament Reading: Psalm 8

Pastor Joe's sermon: "Why Me Lord?"

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Unleashing the Power of Prayer

Why is it when some people pray God moves with power to answer their prayer--people are healed, problems are solved, lives are turned around? Today we will investigate a prayer of Moses and the wisdom of James to discover what unleashes the power of prayer.
Praise Band singing I've Got Peace Like a River

Dr. Chuck's children's sermon: What's in the Bag?

Tina DeNunzio's OT reading from Numbers 11

Pastor Joe's sermon: Unleashing the Power of Prayer

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Road Less Traveled

Robert Frost's poem, The Road Not Taken, is one of the most beloved poems in American literature. The Scriptures often talk about two paths from which we must choose--the wide road that leads to destruction or the narrow path that leads to life. The narrow path of God's will is much more demanding and challenging, but it is the path of greater fulfillment and blessing. Check out today's videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:
Praise Band: In My Life Lord, Be Glorified

Pastor Joe's Children Sermon

Debbie Carpenter's Old Testament Reading: Psalm 1

Pastor Joe's Sermon: The Road Less Traveled

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Who Am I?

One of the the most important questions you can answer in life is one that Jesus asked his disciples: Who do you say I am? The answer to that question determines the direction of your life. Check out this Sunday's videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church.

Praise Band: Open Our Eyes Lord

Chuck DeNunzio's Children's Sermon
Earthly Treasures Vs. Heavenly Treasures

Pastor Joe's Sermon: Who Am I?

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Have you ever heard the term Shekinah? It is the visible manifestation of the glory and majesty of God. It descended as a cloud on Mount Sinai when God met with Moses. It filled the tabernacle and Solomon's temple. Jesus, however, revealed a deeper mystery of the revelation of God's majesty. Check out today's videos from our worship service, including our praise band singing "Majesty."
Praise Band: "Majesty"

Cheryl Bruney's Old Testament reading from I Kings 8

Pastor Joe's New Testament Reading from John 6

Pastor Joe's sermon: Majesty

Sunday, August 12, 2012

A New Set of Clothes

The school year is about to begin and parents are scrambling to buy new clothes for their kids. Most people don't realize that God wants to provide us with a brand new set of clothes--clothes that can really make the man or woman! Check out today's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:
Praise Band: Untitled Hymn (Come to Jesus)

Patti Crunelle's Old Testament Reading: I Kings 19

Pastor Joe's Sermon: A New Set of Clothes

Friday, August 10, 2012

Vacation Bible School Program

Check out our Vacation Bible School photos and videos below. Great job everyone!

Monday, July 30, 2012

A Holiday For Athiests--What's Under the Hood?

What motivates an atheist not to believe when the creation displays obvious proof of an intelligent designer? Those who do choose to believer receive a gift from God that replaces that old engine of "self" under the hood. Check out this Sunday's videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:

Praise Band: Sing Praises to the Lord

Patti Crunelle's OT reading: Psalm 14

Pastor Joe's Sermon: What's Under the Hood

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Need to Feed

When Jesus saw hungry people, whether they be physically hungry or spiritually hungry, his compassion reflex kicked in, and he fed them. No wonder his is known as the Good Shepherd. Whether you are a pastor, elder, deacon, Sunday school teacher, or Bible study leader, we can learn a lot from Jesus' example and develop that same compassion reflex. Check out our worship videos from this Sunday's worship service:

Praise Band: "I Love You Lord"

Shirley Colvin's OT Reading: Jeremiah 23:1-6

Pastor Joe's Sermon: The Need to Feed

Monday, July 16, 2012


Do you know someone who overflows with joy whenever you see them? From where does that kind of joy come? There's a big difference between joy and happiness. Happiness is found on the surface--favorable circumstances and positive thinking, but joy can only be garnered at a deeper level--that level where you encounter God. Check out our worship videos from this Sunday's service:

Praise Band: Come, Now Is the Time to Worship

Old Testament Reading by Holly McCormack

Pastor Joe's Sermon: A Reason to Celebrate

Sunday, July 8, 2012

A Vision of Heaven

A couple days ago Barbara Walters hosted a TV special about heaven. She interviewed many people who were pronounced clinically dead, but then revived to tell their stories about their vision of heaven and God. Included on the show was a segment about the little boy who wrote the book "Heaven Is for Real," a book that has become quite popular. The scriptures provide us with several accounts of people seeing visions of God and heaven--Ezekiel in the Old Testament and Paul in the New Testament. Check out today's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:
Our Summer Praise Band singing "Alleluia."

Patti Crunelle's Old Testament Reading
Ezekiel 2:1-5

Pastor Joe's sermon:
"I've Got a Secret"

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Perfect Storm

Why does God allow us to go through the difficult storms of life? Perhaps it's because in the midst of these storms God gets our attention and has the opportunity to help us grow spiritually. Check out today's videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church worship service:
Praise Song: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Mattie's Baptism
Communicant Class members, Mattie, Shay, Becca, Thomas, and James joining church

Old Testament Reading: Psalm 107 by Debbie Carpenter
New Testament Reading: Mark 4
Sermon: "The Perfect Storm" by Pastor Joe

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Alive in the Spirit

Pentecost is one of the most important days on the church calendar. It is the day God breathed his Spirit into the lives of believers and the church was born. Check out our Pentecost worship videos below:
Our praise song: Sweet, Sweet Spirit

Arguell Harris's reading of the Memorial Day
poem, "Arlington"

Our choir's anthem: Let There Be Peace on Earth

Arguell Harris's Memorial Day Poem:

Pastor Joe's sermon: Alive in the Spirit

Releasing the Balloons

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Thank God for Mothers

We had a wonderful Mother's Day service. Check out our worship videos below: Praise song and sharing about our mothers, Debbie's poem: Aprons, Children's sermon, the Anthem: M-O-T-H-E-R, Wanita's Old Testament reading, and Pastor Joe's sermon: Thank God for Mothers.
Song: What a Difference You Made in My Life
and Jack Kafana's story about his mom.

Debbie Carpenter's poem: Apron

Choir's Anthem: M-O-T-H-E-R

Wanita Zambori's OT Reading

Pastor Joe's Sermon: Thank God for Mothers.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Old Faithful

There is a lot to learn from our older church members. Why is it they have been committed to God and serving the church year after year into golden years of their lives? What has motivated them to keep the faith and endure through the trials and tribulations of this life? Why is their relationship to God and fellowship with other believers so important to them? Check out our worship videos below to find out:
Praise Song: The Longer I Serve Him

Our Choir's Anthem

Wanita Zambori's Old Testament Reading

Skit: Patti Crunelle, Jane Whitecotton, Bob Smith, Betty Snyder

Pastor Joe's Sermon: The Old Faithful

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

There Is No God Like Our God

What a wonderful God we have--a God of grace, life, and power. Check out this Sunday's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church: Our choir's anthem: "It's Me, O Lord," Elder Tom Zambori's children's message and sermon: There Is No God Like Our God

Our choir's anthem: It's Me, O Lord

Children's Sermon

Tom Zambori's sermon: There Is No God Like Our God

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Why Are You Troubled

We live in a troubled world, a world full of problems and pain. Often we seek to escape the problems around us or numb ourselves to the pain, but God desires to lift us above the fray by walking daily in a close relationship with him. Step by step, day by day, God leads us where he wants us to be. When we need correcting, God corrects us. When we need directing, God directs us. By communing with Him, we can transcend this troubled world.
Praise Song: Lord I Lift Your Name on High

Children's Sermon: Show Me Your Scars

Valerie Duck's Old Testament Reading

Pastor Joe's Sermon: Why Are You Troubled

Sunday, April 8, 2012

From Tribulation to Testing to Triumph

As we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, we recognize a divine pattern repeated throughout scripture: tribulation--testing--triumph. We see this process in David's life from the Old Testament and in the lives of the disciples. Why? This is how God shapes our lives and sculpts our characters to prepare us for his calling upon our lives. Check out our Easter videos:
Procession, Hymn: Christ the Lord is Risen Today, Lenten Reading, Hymn: Up from the Grave He Arose, Anthem, Pastor Joe's sermon: From Tribulation to Triumph.

Our Choir's Procession

Hymn: Christ the Lord Is Risen Today

Cheryl Bruney's Lenten Reading

Hymn: Up From the Grave He Arose

Our Choir's Anthem

Pastor Joe's sermon: From Tribulation to Triumph

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Journey to the Cross

The great scientist of the mid 1600s, Blaise Pascal, said, "The greatest of the proofs of Jesus Christ are the prophecies. This morning we investigate the amazing Old Testment prophecies of the Messiah that Jesus so incredibly fulfilled. Check our our Palm Sunday worship videos below:

Palm Sunday Procession

Chuck DeNunzio's Lenten Reading

Children's Sermon

Valerie Duck's Old Testament Reading

Anthem: Not a Mumblin' Word

Pastor Joe's Sermon: The Journey to the Cross

Sunday, March 25, 2012


What do you know about the Old Testament covenants and the new covenant Jesus established in the New Testament. Today we will explore how each of the OT covenants built one upon another up to the cross, where Jesus established the New Covenant through his blood.
Check out our worship videos:
The Lenten Reading, the anthem, the Old Testament reading, and Pastor Joe's sermon, "The Hour Has Come."

Lenten Reading by Arguell Harris

Our Anthem

Old Testament Reading by Evelyn Schussler

Pastor Joe's sermon - "The Hour Has Come"

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Shadow of the Cross

Can the shadow of the cross be found in the Old Testament? Charles Spurgeon, the great Baptist preacher of the late 1800s thought so. In fact, he thought the cross could be found on every page of the Old Testament. When the Israelites were invaded by poisoness sakes, God instructed Moses to place a bronze snake on a wooden pole and raise it into the air. When the people gazed upon the snake, they would be saved. Clearly this is a "type" or symbol of the cross, a foreshadowing of what was to come. Check this morning's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:

Lenten Reading by Stacey Singhaus

Our Choir's Anthem

Pastor Joe's children's sermon

Pastor Joe's sermon

Sunday, March 4, 2012

El Shaddai

God reveals himself by name. God told Abram he was El Shaddai, the All-Sufficient and All-powerful One. God then gave Abram a new name: Abraham--father of multitudes. Abraham laughed because he was 99 years old, but then realized, if God was all-powerful, God could do whatever if wanted. Abraham then walked in faith and became the father of multitudes. I've heard it said that we are all theologians: We live our lives according to what we believe about God. Check out this Sunday's videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:

Holly McCormack and the Lenton Reading

Libby Hoskin's Minute for Mission

Our Choir's Anthem

Pastor Joe's Children's Sermon

Evelyn Shussler's Old Testament Reading

Pastor Joe's Sermon: El Shaddai

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Problem Solving Squad

Sometimes in life God allows us to encounter difficult circumstances in order for us to learn to trust him more. The solution to our problem may require creative thinking and possibly a problem solving squad--a team of people working together to help us overcome our difficulties. Check out today's videos from the Colerain Presbyterain Church:

Our choir's anthem: The Family of God

Patrick McCormack's Old Testament Reading

Pastor Joe's sermon: Problem Solving Squad

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Five Simple Words

In Mark Chapter 1, Jesus said five simple words to a leper that are five of the most precious word the leper, or for that matter, anyone could hear. The leper asked Jesus if he was willing to make him whole again. Jesus responded: I AM WILLING. BE CLEAN. Check out today's worship videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:

The anthem: O How He Loves You and Me

Old Testament Reading by Patrick McCormack
The story of Naamen the Syrian General with leprosy.

Pastor Joe's Sermon: Five Simple Words

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Have you been tired lately? Spiritually pressed to the limit? Are you ready to be lifted up and energized? Check out this week's videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:

Praise song: I Will Serve Thee

Anthem: Good News!

Old Testament Reading: Patrick McCormack
Sermon: Rejuvenated! - Pastor Joe

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Untouchables

Do you remember the old TV series, the Untouchables? How about the movie with Robert De Niro, Kevin Costner, and Sean Connery? You can also find what man considered untouchable in the Bible, but with God the untouchble becomes touchable. Check out this Sunday's videos from the Colerain Presbyterian Church:

Praise Song: He Touched Me

Children's Sermon: The Gorilla in the Basement

Our Choir's Anthem

Pastor Joe's sermon: The Untouchables

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Big Fish, Little Fish

Jonah was swallowed by a big fish. The disciples spent their time catching little fish. A fish became the symbol of early Christianity. Why in the world did Jesus pick fishermen to be his disciples? What did they have to offer? You may be surprised.

Tom Zambori's Old Testament Reading of Jonah 3

Pastor Joe's sermon: Big Fish, Little Fish

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Come and See!

Last week my beloved Pittsburgh Steelers got Tebowed in the opening round of the playoffs. Tim Tebow is a young, exuberant, evangelical Christian with an unabashed love for the Lord. He reminds me of the disciples when they first met Jesus. They couldn't contain their excitement. They told their friends to "Come and See!" Check out this week's worship videos: our praise song--Isn't He, Tom Zambori's Old Testament reading, and Pastor Joe's sermon: "Come and See!"

Praise song: Isn't He

Old Testament Reading by Tom Zambori

Pastor Joe's sermon: "Come and See!"

Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Journey of Change

On Epiphany Sunday we focus on the wise men and their journey., they were open to hearing God speak to them. They saw their journey as a personal quest, and they were willing to go against the grain. Check out our worship videos: the ordination service, the OT reading, and the sermon.

Ordination of Lori Reeb

Old Testament Reading by Tom Zambori

Sermon: A Journey of Change -- CRE Joe C. Ellis

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Start to the New Year

What do you need to make a successful start to 2012? Vision, a sense of the movement of God's timing, the faith to seize the moment of God's timing, and the power of the Holy Spirit. Check out our New Year's Day worship videos:

Tom Zambori reading our Old Testament scriptures from Ecclesiastes 3

Pastor Joe's message: A New Start to the New Year