Colerain Presbyterian Church

Colerain Presbyterian Church
Come celebrate the Story with us!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Eve Service

What a beautiful Christmas Eve service we celebrated at the Colerain Presbyterian Church. Like the shepherds of long ago, friends, relatives, neighbors, and members gathered to seek the Christ child. Check out our videos below.

The Christmas Story in Carols

Candlelight service and Silent Night

Pastor Joe's message: Anticipated but Unexpected

Friday, December 23, 2011

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Children's Program: The Christmas Tree

Our children presented a wonderful program this morning about how the story of Christmas relates to the decorating of the Christmas tree. Our videos include a Minute for Mission from Larry Swiger, Libby Hoskins lighting the third Advent candle, and our children's program.

Larry Swiger present the Minute for Mission

Libby Hoskins lighting the third Advent candle

Children's Program: The Christmas Tree

Monday, December 5, 2011

Do You Hear What I Hear

As we celebrate the second Sunday in Advent, we hear the voice of Isaiah and John the Baptist preparing the way for the Messiah. But who did they hear? The voice of God's Spirit. As we prepare for Christ's coming, let us tune into the Spirit. This morning's videos include the lighting of the second Advent candle by Patrick McCormack, our choir's anthem, and Pastor Joe's sermon, "Do You Hear What I Hear?"

Patrick McCormack Lighting the Second Advent Candle

Our choir's anthem

Pastor Joe's sermon: Do You Hear What I Hear

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Hanging of the Greens

One of the most anticipated services of our church's calendar year is the "Hanging of the Greens." During this service many members parcipate as we not only decorate the church but also learn the symbolic meaning of these familiar decorations. Check out the video below of our "Hanging of the Greens" service.

The Hanging of the Greens

Monday, November 21, 2011

Compassion: A Response to Worhip

Sometimes we worhip with exuberance, extoling the Lord in song and shouting his praise. Sometimes we worship the Lord in quiet reverance, humbling ourselves in awe before him. More important than how we worship is our response to worship. Those who respond with a heart full of compassion are ones God will welcom into the eternal kingdom. Check out our worship videos from Sunday's service, 11/20/11: The anthem, the children's sermon, and the sermon.

Our choir's anthem

Pastor Joe's children's sermon

Pastor Joe's sermon

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Sunday to Honor Veterans

What a privilege it is to gather on Sunday mornings and worship God freely, knowing our freedom to do so came at a high price. Today we honor all those who have served this country in the armed forces, those who were willing to stand in harm's way so that we could enjoy all the wonderful things we value we value in life. Our three videos today honor our veterans with a song and a reading, a poem and preaching.

A Veteran's Song and Reading-Led by Debbie Carpenter
Reading by Patti Crunelle and Tom Zambori

"Field of Crosses"--an original poem written by Lois Custer, friend of Patti Crunelle.

Today's Message: "Soldiers of the Cross

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Ready Whlie You Wait.

Welcome to Colerain Presbyterian Church's video site. What a wonderful service we experienced today. Our videos include the baptism of Cara and Brian Pasco's beautiful baby girl, Emmalee; our choir's anthem, "Bringing in the Sheaves"; and Pastor Joe's sermon, "Ready While You Wait."

Baptism of Emmalee Mae Pasco.

The anthem: Bringing in the Sheaves

Pastor Joe's sermon, "Ready While You Wait."

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Distance Between Heaven and Earth

What a special service today we had at the Colerain Presbyterian Church as we remembered the lives of those dedicated servants who have crossed over into God's eternal kingdom. The first video is the Children's sermon and All Saints Day readings and service. The second video is our choir's anthem: "Let's Just Praise the Lord." And the third video is Pastor Joe's sermon: "The Distance between Heaven and Earth."

Children's Sermon and All Saints Day service

Our choir's anthem, "Let's Just Praise the Lord"

Pastor Joe's sermon: "The Distance between Heaven and Earth"

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A View from the Top of the Mountain

Roy Riethmiller and Gordon Downie have always been great inspirations in my life. In today's message from the Colerain pulpit, I share how their "Moses-approach" to life inspires me to press on when times get difficult. Also, check out our choir's rendition of Heaven Came Down and Glory Filled My Soul.

Pastor Joe's sermon: A View from the Mountaintop

Our choir's anthem, "Heaven Came Down and Glory Filled My Soul

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Standing Firm

Have you ever felt like the world around you was spiraling downward, swirling down the drain as you struggled to stand firm in your faith. The Israelites had difficulty standing firm. The idols of the world had captured their attention. In Philippians 4, the Apostle Paul gives us four important princles to stand strong in the midst of a morally deteriorating world.

Pastor Joe's sermon: Standing Firm

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Designed for a Purpose

You and I are not a random accident of a mindless universe. We were designed for a purpose. Life just doesn't seem to work until we find that purpose. Check out this week's message from the Colrerain Presbyterian Church pulpit.

This week our choir blessed us with the anthem, "In Rememberance."

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Water from the Rock

Stressed out? Losing your temper? Thinking God is really putting you through a test? Check out today's message from the Colerain pulpit: Water from the Rock.

Tina and Debbie helped lead our chorus today: Father I Adore You.
We even tried to do it as a round. God blessed us!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

From Grumbling to Gratitude

If you are like me, you sometimes fall into the habit of grumbling. Unfortunately, grumbling and complaining lowers us into a cloud of self-imposed dissatisfaction, making it difficult to see the opportunities, blessings, and possibilities God has placed right before our eyes. Today's message from the Colerain Presbyterian Church's pulpit could help you go from grumbling to gratitude.

Pastor Joe's Sermon

Today we celebrated Education Sunday, calling our students, teachers, and all involved in education down for a special prayer and blessing to get us ready for the new school year.

Patti Crunelle offers words of wisdom about the importance of education.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Get Up and Get Going

Welcome to the Colerain Presbyterian Church Blog. Today we celebrated the baptism of Noah and Matthew Shirley--what a wonderful experience for Pastor Joe to baptize his own grandsons.
Today's message encourages us to be ready to get up and go when God calls us to move forward along the path of God's will. If we're not ready, we'll miss out on God's amazing blessings. Check out the videos below

Colerain Presbyterian Church
71780 Route 250
Colerain, OH 43916
Pastor Joe Ellis
Church Phone: 740-635-1433

Noah and Matthew Shirley's baptism.

Today's Message: Get Up and Get Going!